
Annotated Bibliography

Barthelme, Donald. Jessamyn.Com: Donald Barthelme: Cortes and Montezuma, Penguin, jessamyn.com/barth/cortes.html.

This short story, “Cortes and Montezuma” written by Donald Barthelme gives the interaction between Cortes and Montezuma, the story focuses on the power dynamics, cultural clashes, and misunderstandings during the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Montezuma sees Cortes as the god Quetzalcoatl and offers many gifts and many discussions. Culture changes as the story progresses, and we see how new words begin to circulate. The situation becomes more tense as Cortes’s men find gold, which creates greed in Cortes’s heart. He kindly arrests Montezuma and haunts Cortes. This story will be used as a form of example of the writing style of Donald Barthelme, within this story I will point to similarities to how the colonizers replaced native culture, slowly taking their land from them.

Barthelme, Donald, and Jo Brans. “Embracing the World: An Interview with Donald Barthelme.” Southwest Review, vol. 67, no. 2, 1982, pp. 121–37. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/43469435. Accessed 24 Nov. 2023.

This article is an interview with Donald Barthelme in the Southwest Review, a literary journal. Jo Brans was a professor, author, and journalist. One of her specialties was interviewing other authors.

The interview ranges in topics. Barthelme discusses his relationship with his father and how his family relationships may show themselves in his writing. He also talks about other authors and current events in writing. The article was written in 1982, so these events are no longer current. There is also a discussion about culture and government. This is centralized on how they impact literature, and how literature impacts society.

The article is relaxed with a very conversational tone. Students of writing and literature can certainly glean something useful from this interview. Professors of either craft may find it interesting as well, as Barthelme and Brans both taught. They discuss several forms and exercises. This interview was useful in my research as it provided a background for the author and his thoughts on his work and how it may reflect and impact the culture at the time.

Belkaoui, Ahmed, and Janice M. Belkaoui. “A Comparative Analysis of the Roles Portrayed by Women in Print Advertisements: 1958, 1970, 1972.” Journal of Marketing Research, vol.13, no. 2, 1976, pp. 168–72. JSTOR, doi.org/10.2307/3150853. Accessed 19 Apr. 2023.

Ahmed and Janice Belkaoui’s research article analyzes the portrayal of women in print advertisements in the years 1958, 1970, and 1972. The study compares ads from 1958 with those from 1970 and 1972. Women in the 1958 advertisements were portrayed as the following stereotypes: low-income workers, non-working in a decorative role, and having limited purchasing power. Results found that there was an increase in women being portrayed more independently in the 1972 advertisements compared to those from 1970 and 1958. While there was an increase in the representation of women in the workplace in the 1972 ads, there were regressive stereotypes still present in the advertisements from 1958, such as women only being depicted purchasing decorative or beauty products. The study reveals that certain expectations and standards present in 1958 continue to persist as stereotypes in the later decade’s advertisements. The findings also show that the advertisements fail to portray women realistically in a wide range of roles. Overall, this article brings attention to the way women were portrayed in advertisements during the time in which Donald Barthelme’s story was written. This research gives an insight into the types of advertisements the character “Wanda” would have been consuming in magazines like “Elle.”

Borstelmann, Thomas. The 1970s: A New Global History from Civil Rights to Economic Inequality. Princeton University Press, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central, ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/cwidaho/detail.action?docID=768534.. Accessed 25 Apr. 2023.

Thomas Borstelmann’s book provides an analysis of the 1970s in America and its lasting impact on society. The book examines the rise of social inclusion alongside the pledges to the free market and government skepticism that took place in the 1970s. Further, Borstelmann investigates how the 1970s shaped current America. The political and social atmosphere of the period in history is explored, emphasizing the simultaneous increase in social recognition because of the civil rights movement. Hence, the trust in the government deteriorated as a result of various political and economic problems at the time. The author frames the turbulent political climate within a global context, to showcase how the 1970s was a decade that imposed irreversible changes on American society and to the wider globe that continues today. This source provides a history of the period in which Critique was written and will thus be helpful as a source to use for analysis. Overall, Borstelmann’s book discusses the political and social environment of the decade in which the story was written, which gives historical insight into the events that shaped the viewpoints of that time.

Chaskes, Daniel. “Barthelme’s ‘Paraguay,’ the Postmodern, and Neocolonialism.” CLCWeb, vol. 14, no. 4, Dec. 2012, https://doi.org/10.7771/1481-4374.1822.

The article “Barthelme’s ‘Paraguay,’ the Postmodern, and Neocolonialism” by Daniel Chaskes approaches global criticism with Donald Barthelme who is labeled as a postmodernist. Using the short story “Paraguay”, created after Nelson Rockefeller visited the south, gives Barthelme the chance to criticize colonialism. It also shows self-reflection toward U.S. counterculture and the flaws of postmodernism. Chaskes uses “Paraguay” to understand and explore the reasoning behind Barthelme to understand the connections between the New Left and neocolonial policies. The story provides a way of how postmodernism affects society and reflects how non-U. S individuals lack identity and place.

The author raises awareness of ‘not knowing’, especially in cases where the group/ individual is being oppressed. Chaskes mentions the possible biases in Barthelme’s short story “Paraguay ” due to Barthelme not knowing or experiencing Latin America but by using outside resources. This article brings attention to how people who are non-U. S are treated as placeless, as well as to the issues that revolve around postmodernism. This article will help further the understanding of postcolonialism by explaining the biases from one of Barthelme’s short stories, and the irony, representation, or symbolism of the inevitable homogenous group that represents postmodernism.

Chaskes, Daniel. “Beyond fragmentation: Donald Barthelme and Writing as Political Act.” 2012. University of British Columbia, PhD dissertation. https://open.library.ubc.ca/soa/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1.0072831

This essay is a dissertation by Daniel Chaskes that describes the relationship of Donald Barthelme’s life (and his political dissent) to various pieces of his works. The author argues that Barthelme views literature as the product of consumption and aims to revolutionize how it is used. There are references to the Vietnam War, Watergate, and American Imperialism during the 1960’s. While “Critique de la Vie Quotidienne” was not specifically mentioned, Chaskes uses examples from Barthelme’s other works such as “Paraguay” from his book City Life (1970). The author also describes how Barthelme uses metafictional views by projecting his alienation in society onto his works. This source allows the reader to understand how language itself is a product of consumption and how that is represented in many of Donald Barthelme’s works.

Chodorow, Nancy (1997). “The Psychodynamics of the Family”. In Nicholson, Pamela (ed.). The Second Wave: A Reader in Feminist Theory. Psychology Press. pp. 181–197. ISBN 978-0-415-91761-2.

The Second Wave is a reputed journal with an emphasis on publishing essays on feminist theory. The biggest flaw in psychologist Nancy Chodorow’s The Psychodynamics of the Family is its age, being released in 1997. Her psychological analysis, however, contains enough important and valid conclusions that keep it relevant today. Chodorow argues that gender and sexuality play the largest roles in determining the dynamics of family relationships. She claims that all children are born bisexual, and that women are more emotionally closer to their caregiver than boys. Heterosexual men repress their emotions and feel they can only show them to their mother. On the other hand, a daughter will ignore her father’s flaws as long as she feels loved. This same dependence of the opposite carries mildly into marriage, Chodorow argues, that the male dominance in hetrosexual couples leads women to be more reactive. Though some of her claims do feel assertive, her credibility as a psychologist and provided supporting evidence from experts including, but not limited to, Michael Balint, Jessie Bernard, and Sigmund Freud. Through dissection and magnification, Chodorow is able to expose many roots and causes of everyday human behavior. Her expertise can be valuable as supporting evidence, but her psychological theory can be a great asset as well.

Clark, D. (Ed.). (1991). Marriage, Domestic Life and Social Change: Writings for Jacqueline Burgoyne, 1944-88 (1st ed.). Routledge. doi.org/10.4324/9780203169292. Accessed 26 Apr. 2023.

 The book is an homage to the life and research of Jacqueline Burgoyne, a key figure in British family studies. One of her unpublished works on couple relationships is included in the book. The other contributions are by Jacqueline Burgoyne’s friends and colleagues, all of whom are recognized in the discipline of family studies. The topics covered span from demographic developments in marriage and the family over the previous four decades, the critical themes in family research in the 1980s, to examinations of the intimacies of marriage. A section written by contributors Martin P.M Richards, and B. Jane Elliot examines sex and marriage in the 1960s and 1970s. This section of the book provides historical context for the domestic life depicted in Critique de la Vie Quotidienne. The chapter thoroughly examines the domestic life of marriage in the 60s and 70s, focusing on the viewpoints around partnership and intimacy. Historical examples are provided within the text, including surveys, magazines, and letters that detail the common feelings and behaviors towards marriage at the time, providing perspective from both men and women who were married during the 60s and 70s. Overall, this book provides an additional frame of reference for the social and historical viewpoints of marriage life in the time period that Critique was written.

D’haen, Theo. “(No) Postmodernism in the Age of World Literature.” 2 Sept. 2012, journals.library.ualberta.ca/crcl/index.php/crcl/article/view/25668.

The article “(No) Postmodernism in the Age of World Literature by Theo D’haen, examines the connections between postmodernism, postcolonialism, and world literature. That shifts throughout history, following how they started to how they are now, by pointing out important people who influenced these literary discussions, like Homi Bhabha and Fredric Jameson. The article highlights the progress of world literature studies, especially in the United States, as scholars like David Damrosch advise for a more global and non-Westernized approach. The text gives information on theories and theorists, and their discussions on how they contributed to literature. It is a useful resource that provides information for those learning about postcolonialism, postmodernism, and world literature.

D’haen presents a well-researched and scholarly perspective, pointing out important figures that contributed to literary theories. D’haen’s academic background and his citations support his claims. While the article is used for individuals with higher educational backgrounds, the source can be used for those understanding the relationships between the literary concepts for modern literary studies. The goal of the article is to educate on the ongoing conversations about postmodernism, postcolonialism, and world literature. It offers a critical lens on the evolving nature of postmodernism with other literary theories.

Domini, John. “Donald Barthelme.” Southwest Review, vol. 75, no. 1, Jan. 1990, p. 95. EBSCOhost, search-ebscohost-com.cwi.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=f5h&AN=9602291956&site=ehost-live&scope=site.

John Domini is a literary critic and author who studied postmodern writers and published this essay in the Southwest Review, a literary journal produced on the campus of Southern Methodist University. This essay serves as an insight into how to read Barthelme. It compares different pieces of his works to uncover how “Chameleonic” his writing style and allusions truly are, arguing that his works are more art than reportage. The author explains the importance of Barthelme’s modernist approaches and other literary conventions he applies. While this article does not mention “Critique de la Vie Quotidienne”, it does comment on several other stories that appear in the same publication. It serves as contextual information about how to read Barthelme and provides some biographical information about his life. The author cites interviews with Barthelme and supports his arguments with that of other Barthelme critics.

Friedman, Ellen G. “Where Are the Missing Contents? (Post) Modernism, Gender, and the Canon.” PMLA, vol. 108, no. 2, 1993, pp. 240–52. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/462595. Accessed 2 Dec. 2023.

This article talks about the differences between pieces written by women and pieces written by men. As can be expected based on reading the title, Friedman talks about the different contents that are missing in each piece. However, the missing contents change based on what the main idea is in each piece. For example, when speaking about a piece by Donald Barthelme, Friedman says that the missing content is the father who is dead. In a piece by Kathy Acker, the missing piece is a woman’s identity. The point that Friedman is trying to make throughout this article is that when men are writing a piece that is about a woman, the missing parts are generally masculine. While pieces written by women about a woman tend to have the missing parts within the woman. The approaches of this article are postmodernism/modernism and gender. This article would be helpful to read if one is trying to understand the difference between writing by men and writing by women.

Gerwarth, Robert, and Erez Manela. “The Great War as a Global War: Imperial Conflict and the Reconfiguration of World Order, 1911–1923.” Diplomatic History, vol. 38, no. 4, 2014, pp. 786–800. JSTOR, https://www.jstor.org/stable/26376604. Accessed 1 Dec. 2023.

This article, “The Great War as a Global War: Imperial Conflict and the Reconfiguration of World Order” informs the aftermath of the First World War between 1911- 1923. After the war, violence continued throughout many empires which caused many to fall, especially those who lost. It spoke on the issue of many countries fighting for their land back, for instance, Ireland gaining independence from Great Britain.  I am using this article to try and assist the behind-the-scenes in the short story by Donald Barthelme, “Critique de la Vie Quotidienne,” and the meaning behind several instances throughout the story that speak on the riches of the protagonist. This article is from a larger piece from the book “Diplomatic History.” The importance is to observe how many empires were affected after the Great War. This article covers events during this period where there were constant struggles, violence, and changes within empires and nations.

Gillen, Francis. “Donald Barthelme’s City: A Guide.” Twentieth Century Literature, vol. 18, no. 1, 1972, pp. 37–44. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/440693. Accessed 1 Dec. 2023.

Francis Gillen’s essay “Donald Barthelme’s City: A Guide” describes how Barthelme’s short stories were affected by pop culture and media at the time. The author explores the theme of where our personal ideals end and influence from the media begins. It explains that this is another way that literature can be a product of consumerism. The author explains how Barthelme’s “The Indian Uprising” is influenced by real American life. Gillen uses logical arguments to deconstruct Barthelme’s works and explain how they are related to real-world events. The article is told from a chronological point of view, walking the reader through various “cities” that Barthelme includes in his stories and the themes of isolation that come with living in one. Once again, it does not specifically include “Critique de la Vie Quotidienne” but the theories Gillen draws from his other works can be applied to this text as well.

Jacquemart, Alban, et al. “Women-Only and Mixed Groups in the French Feminist Movements of the 1970s: A Re-Evaluation.” Clio. Women, Gender, History, no. 46, 2017, pp. 219–44 JSTOR, https://www.jstor.org/stable/26795734. Accessed 2 Dec. 2023.

This article focuses on how men were very much excluded from the feminist movement in France, meaning men could not stand up for women even if they wanted to. The creation of women-only feminist groups faced hostility from the men who were a part of the feminist movement. The article says that women decided it was best because they were still facing sexism from the men who were part of this movement. The article describes how the formation of women-only groups was accepted extremely gradually. The author shows that mixed groups started forming because males who were homosexual showed that they were interested in helping the women get what they deserved and did not sexualize them. The feminist movement adapted to also include discussions of abortion. The article then talks about women preferring the women-only groups because of the conflict that had ensued in the past when men were part of the movement. The article focuses on how women also used the fact that men did not understand what they were going through, therefore they were not adequately adept at dealing with the issue of feminism. This article uses socio-historical criticism to analyze the women-only activism that was the feminist movement in France.

Kušnír, Jaroslav. “Contesting the Real in American Fiction: Donald Barthelme, ‘The Angry Young Man’ (1992).” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS), vol. 16, no. 1/2, 2010, pp. 59–71, www.jstor.org/stable/43921753. Accessed 2 May 2022.

The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies is a peer-reviewed, international journal stationed at the University of Debrecen. Jaroslav Kušnír is a professor with a specialization in American and European literature. In Contesting the Real in American Fiction: Donald Barthelme, “The Angry Young Man,” Kušnír focuses on Barthelme’s use of realism. He begins by citing literary theorists Benjamin Hrushovski, Lubomír Doležel, and professor Ruthy Ronen. Kušnír uses Barthelme’s short story The Angry Young Man as his main exhibit, pointing out all of the story’s nuances, postmodern themes, narrative techniques, and contradictions, concluding that Barthelme’s fictional world is one representative of reality. While Kušnír’s interest in Barthelme’s work may seem like a limitation, a less passionate researcher never would have gone through this immense length and detail. Kušnír’s long explanations and insights would work great as background information.

Lemon, Jennifer. “Masculinity in Crisis?” Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, no. 24, 1995, pp. 61–71. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/4065897. Accessed 30 Nov. 2023.

Jennifer Lemon’s article “Masculinity in Crisis?” was written for Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity in 1995. Agenda is a peer-reviewed publication that focuses on feminism and gender issues, primarily focused on issues in South Africa. Jennifer Lemon is a lecturer in the Department of Communication at Unisa, and an executive member of the Unisa Centre for Women’s Studies.

“Masculinity in Crisis” focuses on the founding and proposed purpose of the South African Association of Men (SAAM), an organization within the men’s liberation movement. Though focused on SAAM, the article takes a general tone when discussing feminism and masculinity. The United States and Great Britain are mentioned, as well as general attitudes on gender and feminism in Western society. Lemmon goes over the history of the masculinity crisis movement, primarily within the 1960s and 1970s. She also discusses feminist movements during the same periods as well as both movements’ impact in the mid-1990s.

The article does a commendable job of explaining the impact of these movements on cultures at the time and vice versa. “Masculinity in Crisis” would be a valuable tool for anyone researching the history of gender relations, feminism, or the rise of several different masculinity movements. As the impact of culture on the movements is discussed it also works well in cultural studies. I found the article useful as a lens for discussing the themes of masculinity and feminism in “Critique de la Vie Quotidienne.”

Lopate, Phillip. “The Dead Father: A Remembrance of Donald Barthelme.” The Threepenny Review, no. 46, 1991, pp. 6–11, www.jstor.org/stable/4383988. Accessed 30 Apr. 2022.

Released a mere two years after Barthelme’s death, essayist Phillip Lopate’s piece covers the majority of Barthelme’s career. While he does examine Barthelme’s work, citing parts of “Conversations With Goethe,” The Dead Father, “Chablis,” and “Critique de la Vie Quotidienne,” Lopate never lets the writing overshadow Barthelme’s personal life. For every analyzed bit of text, Lopate gives two details about Barthelme; whether that be Barthelme upsetting the women in his writing class, or labeling his own book Paradise as “pretty weak.” Detailing his personal relationship with Barthelme, Lopate describes Barthelme’s humor, emotional conversations after dinner parties, alcoholism, and how bored the man was with everyone around him. Lopate uses minute detail after minute detail to show appreciation and love for his friend. However, there will always be the limitation of Lopate’s inability to fully get inside Barthelme’s head, and fully understand the psyche of another man. Lopate’s personal connection with Barthelme also may be a source of great bias. Though his unique connections and enlightening experiences are valuable beyond doubt when viewing Barthelme from a psychological lens.

McCaffery, Larry. “Donald Barthelme and the Metafictional Muse.” SubStance, vol. 9, no. 2, 1980, pp. 75–88, doi.org/10.2307/3683881. Accessed 30 April 2022.

Larry McCaffery is a literary critic, author and English professor. His essay “Donald Barthelme and the Metafiction Muse ” was published by The Johns Hopkins University Press in 1980.  This essay unpacks many of Barthelme’s works by looking at how he creates characters and complex, realistic perspectives on life. He reviews the postmodern elements with particular attention to the metafiction strategies used by Barthelme. The author discusses “Critique de la Vie Quotidienne” starting on page 78 of this article. It considers how Barthelme’s work is self-reflexive and where it can be seen in his body of work. He argues that by manipulating language Barthelme changes traditional storytelling and creates dialogue about contemporary society.

McCaffery, Larry. “Meaning and Non-Meaning in Barthelme’s Fictions.” Journal of Aesthetic Education, vol. 13, no. 1, 1979, pp. 69–79, doi.org/10.2307/3332090. Accessed 1 May 2022.

This article breaks down Barthelme’s way of storytelling and character building to tell his view of the world. It shows how he is able to personify himself into the characters that he creates. Not only are the characters within most of his stories, flawed and disintegrating, he is as well. McCaffery points out how Barthelme seems to personify his own imperfections into the characters in which he writes.  The article claims that the reader is the final level of the process piecing together the connections between the two as well as their own lives.  With the reader being the final level of the process, and leaving it open to interpretation for the reader, it helps to provide a strong subjective reading response.

Medvecky, Craig. “Reconstructing Masculinity: Donald Barthelme’s ‘Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts.’” Contemporary Literature, vol. 48, no. 4, Winter 2007, pp. 554–79. EBSCOhost, search-ebscohost.com.cwi.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lfh&AN=30000084&site=lrc-live

Craig Medvecky is the Associate director of the Loyola writing center and in In his essay “Reconstructing Masculinity: Donald Barthelme’s ‘Unspeakable Practices” Medevecy describes the archetypal male within Bathelme’s “Sixty Stories” that he calls the Barthelmean Man. He describes these characters as ones full of fragility, self-loathing, and victimizations. Medevecy uses method sources to present Freudian logic to some of Barthelme’s stories to examine how manhood is represented in Barthelme’s works and points out where the oedipal tendencies appear in Barthelme’s works.

Mintz, Steven. “Introduction: Does the American Family Have a History? Family Images and Realities.” OAH Magazine of History, vol. 15, no. 4, 2001, pp. 4–10. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25163456. Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.

Steven Mintz is the senior associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and John and Rebecca Moores Professor of History at the University of Houston. This article was included in the OAH Magazine of History peer-reviewed publication, in 2001.

In the introduction to “Does the American Family Have a History? Family Images and Realities” Steven Mintz writes about the history of the American family. Ranging from the colonial period to modern times, the article speaks to the changes that have occurred in American family dynamics and seeks to disprove some commonly held beliefs about the evolution of family values. Among the topics discussed are the reality of single-breadwinner households, coinciding modern divorce rates with family unhappiness, and the effect of major wars and political shifts on the family dynamic. I found this article useful in explaining the family dynamic within Bartheleme’s story. It also helped to draw parallels with current culture and how people may perceive “the good ol’ days.”

Pawin, Rémy, and Regan Kramer. “The Gender of Happiness (France, 1945-1970s).” Clio (English Edition), no. 39, 2014, pp. 253–69. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/26238737. Accessed 2 Dec. 2023.

This article looks at the question of if women have been happy in their lives, and if they have been happier than men. The article looks closely at the way that happiness has been directed at women instead of men. The authors note that the books that were related to happiness tend to have a female main character which are written for women. They also point out that most books written for women are by women, leaving it up to interpretation if women are better at writing for women than men. This article also points out that because happiness is so much a thing “for women” men do not understand what happiness is, or that the concept of happiness is negative for them. The article also describes how both males and females describe happiness differently. It also says that for women to figure out who they are they must find happiness first, compared to men who do not. However, it also says that marriage is the only way for a woman to find happiness. This article takes on the criticism style of gender.

Petrović, Gajo. “Marx’s Theory of Alienation.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 23, no. 3, 1963, pp. 419–26. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/2105083. Accessed 1 Dec. 2023.

This article is an introduction to Marx’s theory of alienation and the definition of self-alienation regarding labor. Petrović explains that self-alienation is typically caused by man keeping something from himself, whether as punishment, religious belief, or one’s morals. He then takes this idea a level further, saying how man alienates himself from himself because of this self-inflicted alienation. In its essence, products of labor are alienated from the producer because the producer has been objectified as a commodity rather than a person. This article is relevant to Barthemle’s story because the main character of the story also feels alienated from his life, using a dual perspective of “I” and “You” to separate himself from his own life.

Pinsker, Joe. “How Successful Are the Marriages of People with Divorced Parents?” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 30 May 2019, www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2019/05/divorced-parents-marriage/590425/.

This article examines the success rate of marriages when both of the participants are, themselves, children of divorce. The author of this article does this by examining data and comparing to those of marriages where the participants were from families who were still married. The purpose of this article was to emphasize that children of divorce have a more difficult time maintaining a healthy relationship.  This is due to the fact that they developed unhealthy relationship management by viewing their parents as examples. Rather than solving marital problems they instead choose to run away and dissolve the marriage. This article is relevant to the Barthleme’s story due to the fact that the characters exhibit behaviors similar to those in the article,  and didn’t attempt to solve their problems, rather, they just went their separate ways.

“Reader Response versus New Criticism: Effects on Orientations to Literary Reading.” TESL Reporter, vol. 41, no. 2, Oct. 2008, pp. 14–26. EBSCOhost, earch-ebscohost-com.cwi.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=41521790&site=ehost-live&scope=site.

This article examines the benefits of reader response criticism towards literary reading. It cites that different readers react differently depending on their own personal insight. They also respond more positively vs traditional institutional presentations. Reader responses allow for more personal connectedness with the story. Research has shown that students who learn the reader response approach, are more often willing to enter the literary world. They leave with a greater attitude and understanding of the piece of work they just read. The article states that those who are given inherited interpretations are more likely to lose interest and motivation.

Schilling, Derek. “Everyday Life and the Challenge to History in Postwar France: Braudel, Lefebvre, Certeau.” Diacritics, vol. 33, no. 1, 2003, pp. 23–40. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3805822. Accessed 20 Nov. 2023.

Derek Schilling’s “Everyday Life and the Challenge to History in Postwar France: Braudel, Lefebvre, Certeau” was published by the Diacritics journal in 2003. The journal publishes critical theory work without focusing on any one school of thought. Derek Schilling is a Professor of French and the Director of the Centre Louis Marin at Johns Hopkins University. He has written several books and many peer-reviewed articles. The intended audience for this article is those studying history, philosophy, or social sciences.

“Everyday Life” focuses on the philosophies about “everyday” that came out of France post World War II. Schilling compares the views of Henri Lefebvre, Fernand Braudel, and Michel de Certeau. By doing so Schilling attempts to define the concept of everyday and how it developed through these authors to arrive at what it is today. Schilling also looks at the political and economic climate post World War II to look at why the concept of everyday developed and how it can still be relevant today.

I found this article extremely useful. The name of Barthelme’s story and its major themes revolve around Lefebvre and his theories.

Zimmerman, Jonathan. “‘One’s Total World View Comes into Play’: America’s Culture War over Alcohol Education, 1945-1964.” History of Education Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 4, 2002, pp. 471–92. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3218090. Accessed 1 Dec. 2023.

Jonathan Zimmerman’s “One’s Total World View Comes into Play’: America’s Culture War over Alcohol Education, 1945-1964” was published by History of Education Quarterly, a peer-reviewed publication, in 2002. Zimmerman served as president of the History of Education Society from 2009-2010. He is currently a professor of History of Education at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education.

“One’s Total World” focuses on the change in cultural opinion on the education and prevention of alcoholism and its changes from World War II to the mid-1960s. The contradictory views of alcoholism as an allergy, a disease, and a sin are discussed. The article also provides statistics related to the efficacy of each of these ideologies within the United States. The cultural impact of these various modes of thought is also touched upon as well as the movements that produced said modes of thought. Zimmerman also uses the battles over alcohol education to discuss the culture wars within the United States after World War II, how they began, and why some may be difficult to resolve.

Those studying history, social science, or health education may be interested in this article. “One’s Total World” also discusses gender issues, religious debates, and America’s issues with Civil Rights reform. The variety of data in this article provided quite a bit of material for my research. It helped to understand the treatment of alcohol and alcoholism within “Critique de la Vie Quotidienne.” It also helped to understand the values placed on education and religion within the story.


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Beginnings and Endings: A Critical Edition Copyright © 2021 by Liza Long is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.