
About the Authors

Damarus Chereji

This is Damarus’ final semester, and then she will be graduating with her Creative Writing associates! Next semester she will start her degree in Studio Art, so that when she attains both these degrees, she will transfer to get her bachelors in both realms. Damarus’ goal is to become a published author and mangaka who works at the library part-time. Writing, art, music, traveling, aesthetics, and good conversation are what make her happy. She is a Christian and wants to be the first manga artist/writer to write a Christian-themed manga.

LaUrie Boesch

Laurie is an English Major with a Creative Writing focus. She lives in Boise with my husband, daughter, my dog and nine Koi. She enjoys writing, reading, and spending time outdoors. She recently took up bird watching as a hobby and hopes to take up gardening as well.

Lindsey Mathews

Lindsey Ryan Mathews is a lover of literature, and her passion is reading. She enjoys reading everything from high to low-brow literature and children’s books. Some of her favorite authors are Stephen King, Alice Hoffman, William Blake, and John Steinbeck. When not reading, Lindsey enjoys spending time with her two daughters and three cats. She is finishing her last semester at CWI and will continue her education at Boise State University (BSU), pursuing a bachelor’s degree in secondary English teaching. Lindsey loves learning and has future plans on obtaining a master’s degree in English.


Luka is a Creative Writing major who plans on graduating in a year or so. She has three cats and possibly two more coming her way later this summer. She also has a family dog who is the craziest dog she has seen in a while, in a good way of course. Luka’s animals are her saving grace when she gets too locked down in a writing project. It’s great having easy access to pet mayhem and drama when you need it.

Sarah Rhoads

Sarah is currently working on a double major in English Literature and Spanish. She will graduate with both in the spring of 2022 and plans to transfer to Corban University for a degree in Secondary Education Language Arts. Hoping to change the American education system for the better, Sarah intends to teach high school English while advocating for changes in educational standards.

Savanna Gerlach

Savanna is an English major who is currently twenty-two years old. She aspires to become a screenwriter for television. She lives in Nampa with her family while she attends College of Western Idaho. Savanna likes to write, watch television, play video games, cosplay, listen to music, and loves everything that is pink.


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Beginnings and Endings: A Critical Edition Copyright © 2021 by Liza Long is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.