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About This Book
1. Passion
Dave Dillon
2. What’s College For?
Alise Lamoreaux, Dave Dillon
3. Discovering Your Ikigai: Finding Purpose in College and Career
Joel Gladd
4. Time Management Theory
5. SMART Goals and Gantt Charts
6. The Importance of Time and Why We Procrastinate
7. Time Management Strategies
8. Communication and Technology
9. The Context of Communication
10. Group Projects and Teamwork
Liza Long
11. Reading and Notetaking: Introduction
12. The Nature and Types of Reading
13. Effective Reading Strategies
14. Taking Notes
15. Introduction to Studying and Test-Taking
16. Note-taking
17. CWI Tutoring Services and Writing Center
18. Studying, Memory, and Test Taking: Introduction
19. Memory
20. Studying
21. Test Taking
22. Writing Summaries
23. Degree Planning and Goal-Setting: Introduction
24. Defining Values and Setting Goals
25. Planning Your Degree Path
26. Making a SMART Plan
27. Developing a Reflective Practice
28. A Brief Look at American Higher Education
29. Student Advising at CWI
30. Networking
Lumen Learning and Linda (Bruce) Hill
31. Resume and Cover Letters
32. Pathways Plan A, B, and C
33. Work-Based Learning Center at CWI
34. Introduction to Health and Wellness
35. Taking Care of Your Physical Health
36. Sleep
37. Taking Care of Your Emotional Health
38. Taking Care of Your Mental Health
39. Maintaining Healthy Relationships
40. Research Skills in the Workplace: A Brief Overview
41. What Is a Research Question?
42. Primary Research and Research Methods
43. Notes on ChatGPT, Research, and Academic Integrity
44. PowerPoint Basics
45. How Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT Work
46. How to Prompt AI Chatbots
47. Getting Started with AI Platforms
48. Principles for Using AI in the Classroom and Acknowledgement Statements
Joel Gladd and Liza Long
Accessibility Statement
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