Multi-Week Assignments

There are five multi-week assignments in the Pathways course. Being familiar with these will help you understand the big picture and organization of the course overall, so each one has a designated chapter in this manual. In your Q course, each of these assignments has a folder located in the “Multi-Week Assignments” area in the Q course in addition to the related weekly prompts. This allows students to easily access the instructions and to work ahead if they wish.
These are the five multi-week assignments:
  • Pathways Journal Assignment
  • Blackboard Badges
  • Personal Resource Guide
  • Culminating Assignment
  • Final Reflection Paper
Note to Dual Credit Instructors: The Multi-Week Assignment area is a function of the Blackboard Q course. Since you will likely be building your course outside of Blackboard, this will be something you can choose to create in a way that makes sense for your course delivery. You are encouraged to provide opportunities for students to access and work ahead on these assignments if at all possible.


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CWI 101: Pathways to College Success Instructor Resources Copyright © by Liza Long is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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