Personal Resource Guide

This assignment is introduced in Week 2 and due in Week 8 (Week 4 in the 8-week course). It requires students to explore various CWI and external resources and to compile a personal reference document relating to the specific resources they choose to explore.

Following are the instructions as they exist in the Q course. Individual Pathways themes may have field-specific resources included in the list of options.

CWI 101 Personal Resource Guide (50 points)

For this assignment, you will work throughout the first half of the semester to create a personal resource guide that includes at least 10 resources you may need as a student at CWI. You must include at least five CWI-specific resources from the CWI website. Your goal is to create a resource guide that is easy for you to locate, use, and navigate so that you can easily find the information you need. Saving your resource guide to the Cloud (One Drive, Google Drive, etc.) is an important part of this assignment so that you will be able to access this information in future courses. You will submit your final resource guide as a link to a document based in the cloud.

STEP 01. Read through the list of resources below and choose ten that interest you (five CWI, five non-CWI).

STEP 02. Choose how to organize your personal resource guide. Some tools you might use include the following:

  1. Word or Google document
  2. Excel or Google spreadsheet
  3. PowerPoint or Google Slides (one slide per resource)

You should explore examples/templates of different organization tools in the personal resource guide assignment folder. If you aren’t sure about whether a tool you want to use will work for this assignment, please reach out to your instructor well in advance of the assignment’s due date. Save your resource guide file to the cloud (Google Drive, iCloud, One Drive, etc.)

STEP 03. For each resource you choose, do an Internet search to locate the information you need (see links above). Then provide the following information:

  1. Website link (required) and contact information (if applicable)
  2. A brief explanation of what this resource offers to CWI students (2-3 sentences)
  3. A brief explanation of why you chose this resource and how you are either using it now or might use it in the future (2-3 sentences)

You will work on your resource guide throughout the semester, ideally adding one resource to your list every week.

STEP 04. In Module 08, you will submit your resource guide to Blackboard as a link to the file you have saved in the cloud. Make sure the link is accessible for viewing. If you need help with this, contact your instructor. You will create the link in Module Two (see STEP 02 above) and update your resource guide throughout the course. You may complete your guide early but you will need to submit it in Module 08. You will earn up to 5 points for each resource (50 points total), with the option to include one additional resource for up to 5 extra credit points (55 points total).


You will need to locate ten resources that can help you in your academic goals.

Choose five different resources from this list (CWI):

Choose five different resources from this list:

Extra credit: for 5 additional points, locate an additional non-CWI resource that is not on this list.


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CWI 101: Pathways to College Success Instructor Resources Copyright © by Liza Long is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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