Pathways Journal Assignment

This is the flagship assignment of the Pathways course. It is an ongoing assignment with weekly prompts during Weeks 1-13 (all 8 weeks in the 8-week course). Students will complete their work in a cloud-based document; they will add each week’s work to the same document and submit it to you weekly for a quick check. It will give them the opportunity to explore their chosen career path and compile resources and information related to it.
Grading notes: The Pathways Journal will require personal and individual responses, so it is a perfect place to provide personal and individual feedback. The grading rubric gives just 3 options: full credit, half credit, or no credit. If you need the student to re-submit their journal (because it’s the wrong file type, not in the template, etc.) consider giving a grade of 1 point and asking them to re-submit. Otherwise, please use the rubric and then add notes with your personal feedback. You may use this as a chance to provide encouragement, recommend resources, or connect students with people who would be able to support them in their goals. This is one place where your expertise in the Pathways theme is incredibly valuable to your students. This assignment could also be a good place to use video feedback.
The attached files are the MS Word templates that contain full instructions for the Pathways Assignments and a place for students to add their responses each week.
Pathways Journal Student Template 8 WK FINAL
Pathways Journal Student Template 16 WK FINAL
The following video provides instructions for navigating easily to the current week as you are grading students’ submissions of the Word document in Blackboard.


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CWI 101: Pathways to College Success Instructor Resources Copyright © by Liza Long is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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