8 Sample Culminating Assignment Feedback

Part 1
Part 2 Great job with Part 2 of your Culminating Assignment! You have successfully identified your driving question and related sub-questions to drive your research, and you’ve stated the impact that you believe this research can have. Next, you’ll start looking for sources and finding answers to your questions. Be sure to look back at the Library Badge if needed and be ready to ask for help if you have trouble finding sources.
Part 3 These look like great sources to help you answer your research questions. Next week, you’ll fill out the rest of the graphic organizer with your summary of what you learned and what you still need to know and make a plan for a brief assessment for your classmates to complete after they view your presentation. Your project is coming along nicely!
Part 4
Part 5
Presentation Thank you so much for putting together an excellent presentation! I enjoyed seeing the information and conclusions that came out of your research.


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