9 Sample Feedback on Badges

We know that sometimes students see the required badges as “busy work” and resent the time they are asked to spend on them. By giving feedback, you can help communicate value and create connections between the knowledge shared through the badges and students’ future academic and professional experiences. A good place to do this might be in an announcement after the week ends. Following are some examples you may use or borrow from in your own feedback.

Blackboard Badge I hope this badge was helpful. If you find you need more support with technology, there are more badges to earn. Go to MyCommons in Blackboard (under Organizations) and click on “Technology Badges.”We also have tutors to help with computer skills. In Blackboard, go to “Institution Page” in the left-hand menu, then click “Tutoring Services and Writing Center” under “Quick Links.” Then click “connect with a tutor” and follow the instructions. If you get stuck, they have a chatbot to help, or you can call or text 208.918.3820. All tutoring is 100% free for CWI students.
OneDrive Badge Thank you for completing the OneDrive Badge! I’ve found OneDrive to be a very useful tool and one that I use daily in both my personal and professional life. You will likely find it helpful for organizing your coursework throughout your college career in case you need to access assignments after a course is over, since you will not continue to have access to the Blackboard shells after each semester ends.
Academic Integrity Badge I hope you found this badge helpful. Remember that it is always better to ask for help than to resort to plagiarism, especially intentional plagiarism such as purchasing an essay or having someone else do your work. If you do resort to plagiarism and an instructor asks you about it, always tell the truth: tell them exactly what you did and why, even if you don’t think you plagiarized. There may still be some consequences, but they will likely be less severe if you cooperate and tell the whole truth. As an instructor who has had to work with students on plagiarism cases many times, I promise that it is my least favorite conversation to have. Rely on the resources you gain in English 101 and 102 especially—those are the first courses that will help you learn how to avoid accidental plagiarism by citing your sources.
Library Badge Thank you for completing the Mega Badge set to get familiar with the CWI Library. I hope you got some great ideas about how to use Library resources for this and future classes.Don’t forget about the librarians themselves as resources! I used to think that people became librarians because they loved to READ; actually it’s because they love to RESEARCH, and the CWI librarians love to help YOU research. That may sound improbable, but it’s true! I hope you reach out to them and make use of their brilliant research skills the next time you need to find great sources for a paper or project.
Counseling Badge Thank you for completing the Counseling Services badge. I hope you keep this information in mind and reach out to make use of their resources anytime you find yourself in need of support.
Multicultural Community Badge Thank you for completing this badge. CWI has a very diverse student population and I hope you have the opportunity to interact with and learn from many different classmates throughout your time here.
GEM Badge Thank you for proving your completion of the GEM badge. I hope it helped fill in any information you may have been missing about the purpose and structure of the General Education program at CWI and across the state of Idaho.
Work-Based Learning Center Badge I’m glad you completed the Work-Based Learning Center Badge, and I hope you take advantage of the programs and tools they have available for CWI students and graduates. Even if you don’t have plans to get a full-time job soon, they can help you start looking ahead toward the future AND help find opportunities like internships and work study positions during your time in school.
Advising Badge I’m very glad that you completed the required advising badge. Your advisor is a super important part of your academic network and I hope you make a habit of checking in with them on a regular basis, both early in your college years to map out your plans and as you get close to graduation and/or transfer.
Cybersecurity Badge Congratulations! You finished the last of the badges! The Cybersecurity Badge is the same training that CWI employees have to complete annually. Phishing attempts are widespread and it’s important to stay current on how to spot them.



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CWI 101: Pathways to College Success Instructor Resources Copyright © by Liza Long is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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